Monday, 24 March 2014

Vivitar 28mm f2.8 Close focus Nikon Mount Review

Might be in the first of booming era , which is people using DSLR with manual lenses Vivitar lens is not quite famous yet. Vivitar is one  name of brand which is produced a lot of lenses with outstanding result.  In my opinion vivitar lenses has a good saturation color, sharp in wide open and you can get it in cheap price due to the ability of this lens produced a good image. Mine is 28mm f2.8 Close Focus nikon mount has a minimum focusing distance (MFD) 19 close enough to capture macro photography.

i picked up this picture from google

Here the data of the lens
  • manufacturer: Komine
  • filter: 49mm
  • markings: green meter scale
  • full focus range: 3/4 turn
  • aperture blades: 6
  • aperture range: f/2.8-f/16
  • maximum magnification: 1:5 (without MET)
  • maximum magnification with MET : 1:2
  • weight: 200g
  • diameter / length: 62mm / 36-43mm

First i bought this lens i doubt its ability to produce a good picture, but when i tried i would like to say "If you get cheap price, grab it with confidence, you wouldn't go wrong with this lens". Small lens, good ability for landscape, BW, even macro.

Here the example of pictures from this lens using Nikon D90

 Vivitar 28mm f2.8 close focus + D90 @f8

 Vivitar 28mm f2.8 close focus + D90 @f8

 Vivitar 28mm f2.8 close focus + D90 @f8

 Vivitar 28mm f2.8 close focus + D90 @f11 + MET

 Vivitar 28mm f2.8 close focus + D90 @f11 + MET

 Vivitar 28mm f2.8 close focus + D90 @f16 + MET

Those are the example pictures i taken with vivitar lens and my nikon camera, the choice is yours. But i highly recommended this lens due to its ability. :D 


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